During phase 6 in Naxxramas, you will come across an undead dragon named Sapphiron, just before the end boss Kel’Thuzad. Fighting this dragon is one of the most challenging parts of this raid because you will require a significant amount of frost resisting gear. Sapphiron has the ability to launch frost-based attacks like the spell Frost Aura that can easily deal 600 damage on all the raid members present in the room, every two seconds. He can also deal damage through direct attacks using ice bolt and frost breath. Aside from that, there are two blizzard attacks that roam around in the room and can damage 2,500 every two seconds upon any player within its range. The amount of frost resistance needed to defeat the boss varies depending on your guild, but the standard amount needed for healers and rangers is around 100, and for melee players, it’s around 150.
How to Acquire Frost Resistant Gear
You can acquire frost resisting gear by crafting it yourself if you’re a blacksmith, leatherworker or a tailor, or you can use help from another player with the following class. The gear can also be dropped from bosses in the Naxxramas raid, and another alternate method is by completing quests from the craftsman named Wilhelm, located at the light’s hope chapel. But these quests do require items to be turned in, including frozen runes obtained from Naxxramas. You will need the following items; Bolt of Runecloth, Iron web Spider Silk, Essence of Water, Enchanted Leather, Cured Rugged Hide, Essence of Water, Heavy Scorpid Scale, Cured Rugged Hide, Essence of Water, Thorium Bar, Arcanite Bar, Essence of Water, Arcanite Bar, and Blue Sapphire.
Frost Resistant Equipment
(All the equipment’s listed below require a plan with their respective names to craft)
Cloth Frost Resistant Armour
Glacial Vest, a vest that provides +40 frost resist and requires 300 Tailoring, argent dawn and exalted reputation rank to equip. It can be obtained from craftsman Wilhelm. Glacial Gloves, a pair of gloves that provide +30 frost resist and requires 300 Tailoring, argent dawn and neutral reputation rank to equip. It can be obtained from craftsman Wilhelm. Glacial Headdress, a headdress that provides +40 frost resist and can be obtained as a drop from Gothik the Harvester, who is the second boss of the death knight wing in the Naxxramas raid. Glacial Leggings, a pair of leggings that provide +40 frost resist and can be obtained from craftsman Wilhelm. Glacial Mantle, a mantle that provides +33 frost resist and can be obtained as a drop from Grobbulus, who is the second boss of the Abomination wing in the Naxxramas raid. Glacial Wrists, a pair of wrist bands that provide +40 frost resist and requires 300 Tailoring, argent dawn and exalted reputation rank to equip. It can be obtained from craftsman Wilhelm. Bright Cloth Pants, a pair of pants that provide +17 frost resist and requires 290 Tailoring to make. Bright Cloth Robe, a robe that provides +16 frost resist and requires 270 Tailoring to make. Bright Cloth Gloves, a pair of gloves that provide +12 frost resist and requires 270 Tailoring to make.
Leather Frost Resistant Armour
Polar Tunic, a tunic that provides +40 frost resist and requires 300 leatherworking, argent dawn and exalted reputation rank to equip. It can be obtained from craftsman Wilhelm. Polar Gloves, a pair of gloves that provide +30 frost resist and requires 300 leatherworking, argent dawn and neutral reputation rank to equip. It can be obtained from craftsman Wilhelm. Polar Helmet, a helmet that provides +44 frost resist and can be obtained as a drop from Gothik the Harvester, who is the second boss of death knight wing in the Naxxramas raid. Polar Leggings, a pair of leggings that provide +40 frost resist and can be obtained from craftsman Wilhelm. Polar Shoulder Pads, a pair of shoulder pads that provide +33 frost resist and can be obtained as a drop from Grand Widow Faerlina, who is the second boss of spider wing in the Naxxramas raid. Polar Bracers, a bracer that provides +20 frost resist and required 300 leatherworking, argent dawn and neutral reputation rank to equip. It can be obtained from craftsman Wilhelm. Frost Sabre Set, an armour set that provides a various amount of frost resist depending on how it is crafted using the leatherworking skill.
Mail Frost Resistant Armour
Icy Scale Breastplate, a breastplate that provides +40 frost resist and requires 300 leatherworking, argent dawn and exalted reputation rank to equip it. It can be obtained from craftsman Wilhelm. Icy Scale Gauntlets, a pair of gauntlets that provide +30 frost resist and requires 300 leatherworking, argent dawn and neutral reputation rank to equip it. It can be obtained from craftsman Wilhelm. Icy Scale Coif, a coif that provides +44 frost resist and can be obtained as a drop from Heigan the Unclean, who is the second boss of plague wing in the Naxxramas raid. Ice Scale Leggings, a pair of leggings that provide +40 frost resist and can be obtained from craftsman Wilhelm. Icy Scale Spaulders, a pair of spaulders that provide +33 frost resist and can be obtained as a drop from Grobbulus, who is the second boss of abomination wing in the Naxxramas raid. Icy Scale Bracers, a bracer that provides +20 frost resist and requires 300 leatherworking, argent dawn and neutral reputation rank to equip it. It can be obtained from craftsman Wilhelm. Radiant Set, an armour set that provides a various amount of frost resist depending on how it is crafted using the leatherworking skill.
Plate Frost Resistant Armour
Ice Bane Breastplate and Gauntlets provide +42 and +32 frost resist, and requires a blacksmithing level of 300, argent dawn, along with exalted & neutral reputation ranks respectively. Both these items can be obtained from craftsman Wilhelm. Ice bane Helmet, a helmet that provides +44 frost resist and can be obtained as a drop from Heigan the unclean, who is the second boss of plague wing in the Naxxramas raid. Ice Bane Leggings, a pair of leggings that provide +40 frost resist and can be obtained from craftsman Wilhelm. Ice Bane Pauldrons, a pauldron that provides +33 frost resist and can be obtained as a drop from Grand Widow Faerlina, who is the second boss of spider wing in the Naxxramas raid. Un-Melting Ice Girdle, a girdle that provides +16 frost resist and can be obtained from Azuregos, who is a world boss dragon found in Azshara. Ice Bane Bracers, a bracer that provides +24 frost resist and required 300 blacksmithing, argent dawn and neutral reputation rank to equip it. It can be obtained from craftsman Wilhelm. Thorium armour, belt, boots, bracers, helm, leggings provide +8, +6, +7, +5, +10, +10 frost resist respectively and requires blacksmithing levels between 250 – 300 to craft.
Frost Resistant Consumables & Enchantments
Greater Frost Protection Potion absorbs 1950 – 3250 frost damage and its recipe can be obtained as a rare drop from the World Leather Working Tribal Trainer in Winter-Spring. Frost Protection Potion absorbs 1350 – 2250 frost damage and its recipe can be bought from Glyx Brewright in STV, as well as Drovnar Strongbrew in the Arathi Highlands. Juju Chill can be obtained through the quest given by Witch Doctor Mau’ari located in Winter-spring.
Frost Mantle of the Dawn (+5 shoulder) can be obtained through the revered reputation rank with argent dawn, from any quartermaster there. Ice Guard (+10 head or leg) can be obtained by completing ‘The Ice Guard’ quest, which required 10 Insignia of Crusade and 30 gold. Enchant Cloak – Greater Resistance (+5 cloak) can be obtained as a drop from Atal’ai Witch Doctor and requires 265 enchanting to make. Formula: Enchant Shield – Frost Resistance (+8 shield) can be obtained from world BoE drops.
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